6th June, 2023.
With the objective of advocating relevant stakeholders on the digitization of cable television services, installation of Ku Band dishes and relevant rules and regulations guiding the license holders, the team from BICMA carried out the awareness program in Samtse Dzongkhag on 6th June 2023.
The participants of the awareness program was advocated and made aware on the following topics:
1. Digitization of Cable TV
2. Ku band dish permits
3. Various Rules and Regulations
4. Various mandates of the Authority
5. Various monitoring activities carried out by the Authority
6. Various requirements for licensing services offered by the Authority
The Authority would like to thank the Dasho Dzongdag of Samtse Dzongkhag, Dzongkhag sector heads, Dzongkhag ICT officer, Local government leaders and the Local cable operators for their presence and suggestions as well as their active participation with queries related to the Authority.

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