31st  May, 2023.

The team from Bhutan InfoComm and Media Authority(BICMA) has successfully completed the awareness program on the Digitization of cable services and other related services in Pema Gatshel dzongkhag today. 

The team presented the mandates, functions, services and activities of BICMA with more focus on the digitization of cable television services and the importance of shifting from analog form of cable television to digitized cable television. Likewise, the participants were also informed of relevant rules and regulations concerning the cable television and Ku band dish permits. The participants were also updated on the Online Licensing System and other licensing services offered by the Authority. 

The Authority is indebted to the Dasho Dzongda of Pema Gatshel dzongkhag and the Dzongkhag administration for the immense support and active participation. We would like to also thank the local government leaders and the cable operators of Dzongkhag for making the session interactive.

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