The Authority is pleased to announce the result of the interview held on 10th November, 2021 for the post of Senior Communication Technician (S2 A). The selected candidate is requested to report to the Authority by 19th November, 2021 during office hours for completing the necessary formalities. Failing to report on time will lead to cancellation of offer and the post will be awarded to next standby candidate.

CID Marks Obtained (%) Remarks
10301001803 77.30 Selected
11106005068 75.70 1st Standby
11510001668 72.80 2nd Standby
11107006845 72.50
11311001878 69.30
11216002650 68.30
11512003298 68.20
11102003283 65.80
11509001115 65.00
11308003339 63.30

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