Shortlisted applicants for the Post of Sr. Communication Technician (S2 A)
Sl No. | CID | Sex |
1. | 11106005068 | M |
2. | 11509001115 | M |
3. | 11102003283 | F |
4. | 11512003298 | F |
5. | 10301001803 | M |
6. | 11311001878 | F |
7. | 11216002650 | M |
8. | 11308003339 | M |
9. | 11510001668 | M |
10. | 11107006845 | F |
Date of Selection Interview: 10th November, 2021 from 10.00 AM onwards. The mode of interview will be conveyed to the applicants via email. Please contact us @ 17931243 for further inquiries.