Derived from the EMF radiation threshold developed by the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP), the Bhutan InfoComm and Media Authority (Authority) has also standardized the threshold level for EMF radiation exposure as shown in the table 1 below.


Table: Reference levels for electric and magnetic fields for occupational and general public exposure in Bhutan

Frequency Range

Electric field-strength (V/m)


General Public


1-25 Hz



0.025- 0.82 KHz

250/(10*f (kHz))

500/(10*f (kHz))

0.82 -3 KHz

250/(10*f (kHz))


3-1,000 KHz



1-10 MHz

87/ (10*f 1/2 (MHz))

610/ (10*f (MHz))

10-400 MHz



400-2,000 MHz

(1.375f 1/2(MHz))/10

(3f 1/2 (MHz))/10

2-300 GHz



Since July 2018, the Authority has started to monitor and measure the EMF radiation level of telecommunications Base Transceiver Stations (towers) in the country and has certified EMF compliance to 227 towers in the country mainly falling in Urban areas and satellite towns of following Dzongkhags:

  • Thimphu

  • Chukha

  • Paro

  • Punakha

  • Wangdue

  • Sarpang

  • Samtse

  • Gasa

  • Tsirang

  • Dagana

The Authority will continue to monitor and measure all the remaining mobile towers in the country and will be issued with the certificate of EMF threshold compliance. The list of towers with location certified are provided in the link here (BTS Certified List)

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