The Bhutan InfoComm and Media Authority had approved the implementation of special data packages for students to facilitate online education amid the COVID-19 pandemic to Bhutan Telecom and TashiCell with effect from 11th May 2020. The different packages offered by the two Telecom Service Providers are as follows:


Bhutan Telecom Limited
Sl # Plan Rate (Nu.) Data Volume (MB) Validity
1. 45 45 692 7 days
2. 95 95 1472 30 days
3. 195 195 3078 30 days
4. 495 495 9444 30 days
5. 695 695 25673 30 days

Tashi InfoComm Limited
Sl # Plan Rate (Nu.) Data Volume (MB) Validity
1. Student Daza 97 97 1300 Monthly
2. Student Barma 297 297 4300 Monthly
3. Student Barma Plus 497 497 8000 Monthly


Terms and Conditions:

  1. The data packages shall be accessible from 7AM – 12 PM only.
  2. The data packages shall apply only to access eLeaming sites (Youtube, Google Classroom and GSuite Apps, Moodie, eLibrary, BTrowa App, Zoom)
  3. The data packages shall be available only to those registered mobile numbers with the Ministry of Education. For details, please contact 1600 for Bhutan Telecom and 7700 for TashiCell.

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