The Authority is pleased to announce the shortlisted candidates for the post of Assistant Communication Officer (P4 B) on consolidated contract for a period of 1 Year.

Shortlisted Candidates for the post of Assistant Communication Officer
Sl # Name CID
1. Tshewang Chophel 11701001313
2. Sujan Rai 11202004890
3. Karma Wangzom 10709004370
4. Namgay Dorji 11512000532
5. Choki Dorji 11502002422
6. Kinley Wangmo 11508003512
7. Pema Choden 12001003924
8. Langa Zangmo 10903000158
9. Chimi Rinzin 10606001086
10. Rinchen Penjor 11704001614

The shortlisted candidates are requested to report to the Authority on 30th August, 2019 (Friday) @ 10.30 AM for Written Examination and Interview. Any appeal on the announcement  may be filed within 28th August, 2019.

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