The Bhutan InfoComm and Media Authority (the Authority) invites sealed bids from eligible national consultancy firm for the following consultancy service:

Contract No. Name of Work Bid Security (percentage (%)) RFP Sale date Bid
Submission date and Time
Bids Opening date and time Cost of RFP Document
BICMA/Project /2014-2015(OLS UG) Up Gradation of Online Licensing System and Design & Development of the Website. 1.5 % or more of the bid price

A Consultantwill be selected under Quality and Cost Based Selection (QCBS) Method and procedures described in the RFP, in accordance with the latest Procurement Rules and Regulations in force of the Royal Government of Bhutan.

Bids must be delivered to the Authority’s Head Office at Olakha, Thimphu on or before above mentioned date and time. All bids must be accompanied by a bid security and valid license for IT consultancy service. The bid unaccompanied by bid security/less bid security/without or expired above mentioned license shall be liable for rejection.

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