The Media and Content Division will be responsible for carrying out the following social regulation associated with the ICT and Media Sector.
Licensing and Regulation of Printing Presses, Publication Houses, and Over-The-Top Media Platforms
- Issuance of license for printing press and enforcement of its terms and conditions which includes monitoring and inspection.
- Issuance of licence for newspaper/book/periodical publication house and enforcement of its terms and conditions which includes monitoring and inspection.
- Issuance of licence for Over-The-Top Media Platforms and enforcement of its terms and conditions which includes monitoring and inspection.
Content Management
- Periodically review the content of the Licensees (FM Radio/TV Station/CATV Station/Print media).
- Set standards and guidelines related to media for issuance of accreditation cards
- Develop and review the programme code including advertisement standards periodically.
Registration of Books
- Issuance of registration number for books which are meant to be made available for sale or distribution in Bhutan.
Film Promotion, Development, and Regulation
- Provide necessary professional support to film production firms including training and capacity development.
- Participate in international festivals to promote Bhutanese films, scripts for co-productions, and locations.
- Facilitate film sector in organizing film awards and festivals to recognize films of excellence and to promote film culture
- Grant filming permits to both local and foreign productions as per the prescribed rules and regulations.
- Rate and certify both local and foreign films.
- Promote Co-production with International investors.
- Promote distributors in Films within and outside the country.
- Develop rules and regulations pertaining to the film industry.
Content monitoring and accreditation
- Accredit and certify the Journalists.
- Regulate or curtail any harmful, offensive, illegal or antithetical content on the internet and other ICT and Media services, unless otherwise provided under specific provisions in this Act.
- Set standards and guidelines in accordance with the overall media related codes and standards set by Bhutan InfoComm and Media Authority.
- Hear the complaint and settle the dispute in relation to offences of content not amounting to criminal offences which are prescribed under the Rules and Regulations.
- Provide recommendations on matters affecting the media sectors.
- Ensure objective and fair treatment of any person by the media;
- Protect general public and more specifically vulnerable sections of the population such as children and young persons from undesirable influences of all Media services.
For further information, you can contact the Media and Content Division at